Lab Alumni
Haoran Cai. Former visiting student. Now grad student at MIT.
Max Nguyen. Former lab technician. Now grad student at Princeton.
Shaon Chakrabarti. Former postdoc (with Michor Lab). Now Assistant Professor at NCBS, India.
Duluxan Sritharan. Former graduate student (Biophysics). Now senior scientist in pharmaceutical Industry.
Shichen (Sean) Liu. Former lab technician. Now grad student at Caltech.
Anthony Henriquez. Former lab technician. Now software engineer at Bio-Rad.
Margaux Dastor. Former postdoc. Now scientist at Vector Biopharma.
Stuart Sevier. Former postdoc. Now president and co-founder of IMI.
Huiran Yeom. Former postdoc. Now Assistant Professor at the University of Suwon, South Korea.