Interested in joining our lab?
We are always looking for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs to join our lab. If you are interested, please email
Most of our graduate students are part of the Harvard Systems, Synthetic, and Quantitative Biology PhD program and the Harvard Biophysics graduate program.
Statement on mentoring
Our goal is to create a lab environment where everyone can learn from each other, take risks, make mistakes, and eventually leave the lab a better scientist and human being. I will do my best to make sure that anyone who is part of our lab realizes their professional goals. Our lab members are free to explore and take intellectual ownership of their projects while working together as a team to support one another. No-one works for the PI of the lab. We all work together as equals. My job is to challenge and support you, and push you and encourage you to get better. We cherish our lab environment and expect all new members to foster our sense of community and radical transparency. We are a diverse group of people both in personal and scientific backgrounds. We have had experimental biologists join and learn the computational side of research and theorists join and become expert experimentalists. Even more important than the scientific output of the lab, my goal is to train creative, fearless, and collaborative thinkers empowered and equipped to ask profound questions and take on the toughest challenges.